♦ Scene 1: The Golden Thimble ►Clues: Notepad ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it ) ♦ Scene 2: Main Hallway ►Clues: Trashbin ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it ) ♦ Scene 3: Counter ►Clues: Cash Register ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it ) ♦ Scene 4: Clothes Drawer ►Clues: Escalator ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it ) ♦ Scene 5: The Escalator ►Clues: Broken CCtv Camera ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it ) ♦ Scene 6: Clothing Shop ►Clues: Victim's Body, Victim's Handbag ( To see all the item you have to click the picture & zoom it on your device & memorized it )
KeyWord: Crimianl Case Guide, Crimianl Case Cheats, Crimianl Case Tips, Crimianl Case Case Guide, Crimianl Case Scenes Guide, Crimianl Case, Criminal Case Case #13 Gudie, Criminal Case Scenes Guide
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 12 | Case 13 : Bomb Alert on Grimsborough | Statue of W.Cooper | park bench | stall counter | hot dog stall | car trunk | henry's stall | case #13 | Statue of W.Cooper hints | Henry's Stall image
Case 13 - Statue of W.Cooper
Case 13 : Bomb Alert on Grimsborough
Statue of W.Cooper hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 12 | Case 13 : Bomb Alert on Grimsborough | Statue of W.Cooper | park bench | stall counter | hot dog stall | car trunk | henry's stall | case #13 | Statue of W.Cooper hints | Statue of W.Cooper image
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 12 | Case 12 : Blood On The Trading Floor | table games | sewers outlet | the blue flamingo | the dance floor | the viper's pit | tool box | case #12 | trading platform | casino lounge | dealing room | abandoned platform | subway benches
Case 12 - Abandoned Platform
Case 12 : Blood On The Trading Floor
Abandoned Platform
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 12 | Case 12 : Blood On The Trading Floor | table games | sewers outlet | the blue flamingo | the dance floor | the viper's pit | tool box | case #12 | trading platform | casino lounge | dealing room | abandoned platform | subway benches
Case 12 - Dealing Room
Case 12 : Blood On The Trading Floor
Dealing Room
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 12 | Case 12 : Blood On The Trading Floor | table games | sewers outlet | the blue flamingo | the dance floor | the viper's pit | tool box | case #12 | trading platform | casino lounge | dealing room | abandoned platform | subway benches
Case 12 - Subway Benches
Case 12 : Blood On The Trading Floor
Subway Benches
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 12 | Case 12 : Blood On The Trading Floor | table games | sewers outlet | the blue flamingo | the dance floor | the viper's pit | tool box | case #12 | trading platform | casino lounge | dealing room | abandoned platform | subway benches
Case 12 - Trading Floor
Case 12 : Blood On The Trading Floor
Trading Floor
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 12 | Case 12 : Blood On The Trading Floor | table games | sewers outlet | the blue flamingo | the dance floor | the viper's pit | tool box | case #12 | trading platform | casino lounge | dealing room | abandoned platform | subway benches
Case 12 - Table Games
Case 12 : Blood On The Trading Floor
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 12 | Case 12 : Blood On The Trading Floor | table games | sewers outlet | the blue flamingo | the dance floor | the viper's pit | tool box | case #12 | trading platform | casino lounge | dealing room | abandoned platform | subway benches
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 11 | into the vipers' nest | sewers | sewers outlet | the blue flamingo | the dance floor | the viper's pit | tool box | case #11
Case 11 - Sewers
Case 11 (Into The Vipers' Nest)
Sewers hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 11 | into the vipers' nest | sewers | sewers outlet | the blue flamingo | the dance floor | the viper's pit | tool box | case #11
Case 11 - The Dance Floor
Case 11 (Into The Vipers' Nest)
The dance floor hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 11 | into the vipers' nest | sewers | sewers outlet | the blue flamingo | the dance floor | the viper's pit | tool box | case #11
Case 11 - Sewers Outlet
Case 11 (Into The Vipers' Nest)
Sewers Outlet hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 11 | into the vipers' nest | sewers | sewers outlet | the blue flamingo | the dance floor | the viper's pit | tool box | case #11
Case 11 - The Blue Flamingo
Case 11 (Into The Vipers' Nest)
The blue flamingo hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 11 | into the vipers' nest | sewers | sewers outlet | the blue flamingo | the dance floor | the viper's pit | tool box | case #11
Case 11 - The Viper's Pit
Case 11 (Into The Vipers' Nest)
the viper's pit hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | criminal case hints | case 11 | into the vipers' nest | sewers | sewers outlet | the blue flamingo | the dance floor | the viper's pit | tool box | case #11
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | case 9 | under the knife | backsteet | garbage bin | altar | pew | barbershop | barber's seat
Case 10 - Garbage Bin
Case 10 (Under The Knife)
Garbage Bin hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | case 9 | under the knife | backsteet | garbage bin | altar | pew | barbershop | barber's seat
Case 10 - Barber's Seat
Case 10 (Under The Knife)
Barber's Sear hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | case 9 | under the knife | backsteet | garbage bin | altar | pew | barbershop | barber's seat
Case 10 - Backstreet
Case 10 (Under The Knife)
Backstreet hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | case 9 | under the knife | backsteet | garbage bin | altar | pew | barbershop | barber's seat
Case 10 - Altar
Case 10 (Under The Knife)
Altar hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | case 9 | under the knife | backsteet | garbage bin | altar | pew | barbershop | barber's seat
Case 10 - Barbershop
Case 10 (Under The Knife)
Barbershop hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | case 9 | under the knife | backsteet | garbage bin | altar | pew | barbershop | barber's seat
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | case 9 | burned to the bone | parking spaces | old security post | studio | checkout counter | aisles
Case 9 - CheckOut Counter
Case 9 (Burned To The Bone)
Check-out Counter hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | case 9 | burned to the bone | parking spaces | old security post | studio | checkout counter | aisles
Case 9 - Kitchen
Case 9 (Burned To The Bone)
Kitchen hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | case 9 | burned to the bone | parking spaces | old security post | studio | checkout counter | aisles Case 9 - Old Security Post
Case 9 (Burned To The Bone)
Old Security Post hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | case 9 | burned to the bone | parking spaces | old security post | studio | checkout counter | aisles
Case 9 - Parking Spaces
Case 9 (Burned To The Bone)
Parking Spaces hints
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | case 9 | burned to the bone | parking spaces | old security post | studio | checkout counter | aisles
Case 9 - Studio
Case 9 (Burned To The Bone)
Studio hints (case 9)
criminal case tips | Criminal Case hints | criminal case objects | criminal case find objects | subway platform| senarai barang criminal case | case 9 | burned to the bone | parking spaces | old security post | studio | checkout counter | aisles